Why is there more good news?! I'll tell you. The first part of this movie series is finally going to start being worked on (casting, funding, production, etc.) and this is going to be big. With an estimated running time of 3 hours this movie will certainly hold it's own against Hollywood competition. Part one of the movie series "The Tyrant with the Army of Sin" is "Rise of the Silent Wolf". But wait there's more! As you may have read in the previous blog entry, the first film has been completed so what better way to keep the ball rolling while in production than to make sure the script for it's successor will be primed by it's completion. Yes part two's script development is already underway! But wait there's more! Remember casting is part of production for part one so if you're reading this blog post you have earlier access to the information regarding open casting to "Rise of the Silent Wolf"!
Stewart Thomas and Mike Ferraro are holding auditions for the film's trailer on Saturday November 9th, 2013 from 12-7pm. Just bring yourselves as slides will be prepared for you!
Being cast for the trailer gives you a definite place for when the movie begins filming next year!
The call is for all ages and Ethnicities 10 and up.
Auditions are being held at 60 Mill Pond Parkway, Monroe, NY 10950. The Cafe Connected to Planet Pizza.
Good luck everyone and of course... Dream on.
Stewart Thomas and Mike Ferraro are holding auditions for the film's trailer on Saturday November 9th, 2013 from 12-7pm. Just bring yourselves as slides will be prepared for you!
Being cast for the trailer gives you a definite place for when the movie begins filming next year!
The call is for all ages and Ethnicities 10 and up.
Auditions are being held at 60 Mill Pond Parkway, Monroe, NY 10950. The Cafe Connected to Planet Pizza.
Good luck everyone and of course... Dream on.